Information for patients

What is EAGLEGRID® 2.0 and what is it used for ?

EAGLEGRID® 2.0 is an innovative customized implant for the patients that have bone resorption. It consists of a titanium grid, which is projected and produced individually for each patient. It is used to place fixed teeth, even in patients with virtually no bone.


Till now the patients that lost many teeth could rely only on partial or full dentures. Due to the lack of bone it is not always possible to place dental implants. Severe bone resorption is not reversible and it is the physiological outcome after many years with no teeth. The alternative in these situation is to perform an invasive surgery, called bone regeneration which sometimes even takes a piece of bone from a donor site, often with very small levels of success and which increases the number of surgical  procedures and lengthens the patients recovery time.

Thanks to EAGLEGRID® 2.0 the patient can avoid many complicated procedures and instead thanks to this new procedure with a single surgical procedure it is possible to immediately place a fixed prosthetical restoration decreasing the overall treatment time. 

What is the procedure ?

The implant, is customized for each patient depending on the needs and anatomical situation of the patient, the titanium grid, is fixed either to the maxilla or mandible with osteo-synthesis screws. From the placed grid the only part coming out of the gingiva is the prosthetic abutment which is necessary for the placement of the prosthetic bridge. The surgical procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in sedation or even under general anesthesia.


  • A complex solution for edentulous patients
  • A customized implant for the patients individual anatomy 
  • Fixed teeth 
  • Comfortable solution comparable to natural teeth
  • Eliminates the problems related with the use of removable dentures
  • It does not need additional bone graft procedures
  • Possibility to place temporary teeth on the same day of the surgery
  • Decreased recovery time
  • Shorter treatment time compared to the standard procedures
  • Quality and traceability of the materials with guarantee of quality of product used
  • A new evidence based solution 


How does the treatment take place?

The first and most important step is the diagnosis and treatment plan customized to the patient’s needs. During the diagnostic phase a CBCT and impressions are necessary. After all the necessary information has been gathered a digital plan of the Eagle grid is prepared on a computer, then the customized implant eaglegrid is produced. The next step is the surgery, after which the patient immmediately receives the temporary teeth. The temporary teeth are placed to ensure comfort to the patient after the procedure but in certain clinical situations a long term solution can be used immediately. In the following 2 -3 weeks, follow up visits are necessary as are additional radiographic exams as well as the removal of the sutures. After 3 -4 months of healing (depending on the initial clinical situation of the patient) the temporary teeth can be removed and replaced with a new long term prosthetical solution, to meet the patient’s esthetical expectations and to restore a happy and natural smile.

For who is the EagleGrid Implant ?

If you are a patient, with no possibility of restoring your teeth with a fixed solution due to the lack of bone, and your doctor doesn’t see the possibility of success with the standard treatment methods.  You can check where in the area where you live is present an office which cooperates with Eaglegrid Polska. If you need more information please check our section FAQs, or contact us through our online form to answers to your questions and to find out where your nearest cooperating Eagle grid Dentist is located.